Retail Strategy Briefing
As a Business Owner in Kilkenny, you are cordially invited to a Retail Strategy briefing hosted by Kilkenny County Council, where we will present the findings of our recent retail survey and give you the opportunity to give your views towards our proposed Retail Strategy. This Retail Strategy will be included in the new Development Plan for Kilkenny City and County, and will guide planning policy for retailing for the next 6 years.
When: Wednesday 9th of October 2019
Where: Kings Room, Ormonde Hotel
Time: 18:30
You are encouraged to send one representative per business. Please note that on the night we will also update you on the plans of the newly established City Task Force to address issues in the City Centre.
This is a ticketed event, and to attend you must register on at the following link:
Archived material:
Retail Survey
Kilkenny County Council have recently commissioned Nexus Planning to undertake a Retail Strategy to inform the preparation of the future Development Plan.
As part of this process, on-street shopper surveys were conducted in Kilkenny City, Thomastown and Callan in April. Surveys are now taking place in Castlecomer, Graiguenamanagh and Ferrybank. The surveys will be conducted by Ipsos MRBI. The information provided will help give the council a better understanding of how and where people like to shop and spend their leisure time.
The survey should take approximately seven minutes to complete.
The results of the survey will help to inform evidence for the Retail Strategy which will form part of the wider planning policy evidence base in regard to future retail needs across the County.
Residents can be assured that all information gained from the questions will remain confidential. Information from the survey will be handled according to the General Data Protection Regulation.
We would welcome people taking part in the survey and would greatly appreciate all responses however we note that anyone who may be approached is under no obligation to take part.
If you would like to know more about the Study, please email: or ring 056-9994010