Development Plans

The making of a Development Plan is a two year process, consisting of three stages; Pre-draft, Draft and Amendments.

Pre-draft Stage:
The pre-draft consultation process began in March 2012, and finished up in November. On November 1st we published the Manager’s Report on the Pre-draft Consultation process which outlines the entire consultation process in detail. The 24th August was the cut-off for submissions to the pre-draft stage.

The Manager’s Report was brought to the County and Borough Councillors (as relevant) for their consideration. The Councillors had an opportunity to issue directions regarding the preparation of the draft development plans, which the Manager must comply with. Following that, the Draft Plans were prepared and submitted to the Council members for their consideration in April. Consideration finished in May 2013 and the Plans were finalised for public display, which started on the 14th June.

Draft Stage:

During this stage there was a ten week period to consider the Draft Plans and Environmental Reports and to make a submission to us. The closing date for submissions was the 23rd August 2013.

All submissions received in relation to the Draft Plans have been addressed in a Manager’s Report, which was published on the 29th of November 2013. The Manager's Report on Submissions made to the Draft Plan is published on this website. The Elected Representatives of the Borough and County Councils considered the Manager’s Report and Draft Plans at a number of Council meetings.

The Council members decided in January 2014 to make proposed amendments to the Draft Plans.

During the last round of public consultation from the 14th of February to the 14th of March 2014, the Council received 41 submissions in relation to the Proposed Amendments to the Draft Plans. The Elected Members of Kilkenny Borough and County Councils will now consider this report. This report will be discussed at the April County Council meeting on the 22nd of April and at the May Borough Council meeting on the 12th of May 2014. The Councils must adopt the Development Plans, with or without the proposed amendments, before the 23rd of May. The Development Plans will come into force 4 weeks after they are adopted.

Previous Stage: Amendments to Draft:

Following a resolution by the County and Borough Councils, it was decided to make amendments to the Draft Plans. A public notice was published to this effect on the 14th of February 2014. The proposed amendments are available here:

Proposed Amendments to the Draft County Development Plan 2014-2020 and Environmental Reports

Proposed Amendments to the Draft City & Enivrons Development Plan 2014-2020 Zoning Map and Environmental Reports

This is the final stage of public consultation in this Development Plans process. The proposed amendments are on public display for a 4 week period from Friday the 14th of February to Friday the 14th of March 2014. If you wish to make a submission on the content of the proposed amendments and environmental reports, you must do so before 5pm on Friday the 14th of March 2014. Written submissions or observations with respect to the proposed material alterations should be addressed to the Director of Services, Planning Department, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny. Submissions may also be made via email to All submissions received before 5pm on Friday the 14th of March 2014 shall be taken into account by the Planning Authority before the Development Plan is made.

In April, a Manager's Report will be prepared summarising the issues raised in the submissions received. This report will be presented to the City and County Councillors (Elected Members) for their consideration. In May, the Councils must make the Development Plan with or without the proposed amendments.

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